Logos are everywhere. Some good, some bad. But it’s ultimately the brand that counts.
But we’re not going there today are we? Today is just about these beautiful logos.
After a recent sighting in Stockport of Instascran we couldn’t resist looking across the web to see which other beauties might be found out there. Check out some of these logos below – I bet you recognise a few.
Say it as it is
No gammon back, no flavoured tea, black or white, ditch or floor, we’ll nick your brand as a joke.
Fill your boots
Sit back and rides sir?
Every rip-off helps
Change the ‘K’ to a ‘H’
Nothing wrong with that one?
All a bit of fun I’m sure, and we hope you’ve enjoyed them?
However, the last one did hit the news recently when Sainsbury’s threatened legal action, so the owner changed it’s name to…. Yes, that’s right…. Morrisinghs!!
But this time there was no legal threat from Morrisons, they took it all as a bit of a fun. A nice bit of PR for Morrisons maybe? I’ll let you make your own mind up.
If you have any yourself then please tweet us @wearedawn