Introducing Chris

Meet Chris, one of our newest members of the design team.

So Chris, introduce yourself.


I’m Chris, I’m one of the new Designers at Dawn and a recent graduate of Manchester School of Art’s Graphic Design program. I decided to pursue a career in the creative industry in my mid-twenties after spending a few years trying to figure out my way in the world, deciding that Graphic Design was the way to go after having loads of fun designing event posters/album artwork for friends in the music/events biz.

Why did you choose to work at Dawn?

I’m at the start of my design career, so it was very important to me that I found a place where I’d be nurtured, encouraged and supported in my role – there’s a lot to learn! After meeting with Dave and Oli, I knew Dawn would be able to give me just that. With the team being relatively small, I also felt like I’d be able to lay down my mark and contribute in a meaningful way.

Do you have any hobbies?

I have a longstanding and extremely testing interest in Derby County Football Club. But when I’m not spending my Saturday afternoons filled with frustration/disappointment [delete as appropriate], my free time tends to revolve around music. Buying records, listening to records, playing records… that sort of thing. I also have a growing collection of graphic artefacts from various Olympic games; I recently acquired some lovely art-postcards from Munich ‘72 which I’ll be framing shortly.

Favourite movie ever and why?

Hard to pinpoint my all-time fav, but a friend recently put me onto Rockers – a Jamaican film from the late 70’s centred around Reggae and Soundsystem culture. It was originally intended to be presented as a documentary but turned into a full-length feature film. It’s DIY, low budget, a bit daft with some questionable performances, but it tickled my brain in all the right places.

What inspires you?

It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of graphic design and get lost in the work of other designers (of which there are loads that I admire), but I’m making an effort to find inspiration from elsewhere; art, music, nature, culture and such. I find inspiration often comes from unexpected places and makes for more interesting work.

Favourite place you’ve ever been, and why?

I recently visited Vilnius in Lithuania to witness two of my close friends tie the knot and I really fell in love with the place. It’s extremely green with lots of beautiful old buildings, great food and lots going on by way of culture and nightlife. Already planning the next trip!

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