Why maintain your website?

A new website launch can be really exciting but it should be remembered that isn’t the end of the journey.

Your site is being visited and used every day, whilst the internet continues to evolve and the dangers of hacking, bugs and security loom ever larger.

At Dawn we offer a monthly maintenance plan as part of any website project.  Any plugins or themes will be updated whilst we carry out site optimisation to make sure it’s running to full potential for any visitors. We’ll make sure your website security is in good hands with security and firewall measures. We can also provide you with basic reporting on your web traffic and data, whilst guiding you with essential SEO content recommendations to boost your sites ranking position.

It’s not only the back end of your website that’s vitally important. Your content and design should be kept fresh to encourage new visitors and maintain existing traffic. Blogs and news stories can help to keep your current following interested, while updating imagery on headers or sliders can refresh your look instantly. We can help to keep on top of any browser or screen related issues with formatting arising from version updates or new sizes too.

If you’re a company with a portfolio or case studies, we can add your latest project and remove the older or less relevant material. The last thing you want is for a client to see your last update was over a year ago!

Your business isn’t standing still so neither should your website. If you want us spruce up and maintain an existing site, or look at developing an exciting new angle for your business on the web, get in touch with us today.

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